J-Spring Wrap Up

J-Spring 2006 was my first Java conference. I have to say it was a great start! 🙂 Here are the sessions I attended:

Agile Java Development With Spring, Hibernate and Eclipse
Anil Hemrajani

I bough the book from Anil a few weeks ago so I though it would be nice to hear what he had to say. Anil has a great sense of humor and the session went very lightly! He is visiting all continents presenting his new book. In this presentation he gave a brief overview of Agile Development, Spring, Hibernate and Eclipse. Anil has 20 years of experience in IT and project management. Fortunately for us, young developers, we can adopt these proven methodologies in our daily work, instead of going through all the burn of badly managed projects.

Distributed Caching Essential Lessons
Cameron Purdy

Cameron talks quite fast, but still he did not have time to finish his slides! This was a very interesting session about distributed cashing. Cameron explained several ways to do distributed cashing and how sometimes, for example, performance, has to be sacrificed in order to gain consistence and scalability.

Keynote Oracle
Duncan Mills

About frameworks, and more frameworks, and Oracle ADF, and more about…frameworks!

Spring Framework 2.0
Arjen Poutsma

Arjen kindly spoke in English because I was the only non-Dutch speaking in the room (what an embarrassment, I really need to work on my Dutch!). Anyhow, he talked about the new features and improvements of Spring 2.0, which will be available sometime in the beginning of July. You can read everything about it on Spring website.

Is Ruby the New Java? What every Java coder should know about Ruby – and Rails
Danny Lagrouw

The last session was in Dutch! There were too many people in this session so I did not ask Danny Lagrouw to speak in English. Everyone is curious about this Ruby on Rails phenomenon. Is Ruby the New Java? I think that not many java developers agree with that. At least, as far as I could understand, there were lots of questions about security issues and the fact that Ruby in an untyped language. Nevertheless, this framework is cool, that’s why it’s hot! It has a cool name, its simple, and promotes rapid development. In addition, they always give these incredible demos that show how to build a pet store or a blog in 15 minutes! Very cool, indeed!

In the end I was hopping to win the Xbox that Conspect was offering, but I was not so lucky. Can’t complain though, I still got some pens, mugs, t-shirts…and my favorite: an anti-stress soft ball that I got at the Interface 21 booth.

One step ahead

I once read that setting objectives was one of the most important and first steps someone should make in order to achieve something in life. I am glad I took the time to think what I ambitioned professionally and I am so pleased that I am starting to see the results of my perseverance. After a few months of looking for an opportunity as a Java Software Developer, I was offered the chance within the company where I currently work. 🙂 This is a very important and decisive milestone in my career. I am looking forward to this new role, where I will have the chance to learn, contribute and hopefully have a lot of fun!